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Fact or Fiction: $2,000 Out-of-Pocket Limit for prescription drugs for Medicare Participants.

Is it really possible that all Medicare beneficiaries will pay no more than $2,000 out-of-pocket for prescription drugs in 2025? Not exactly. In fact, it is a gray area at best.  And the ability to access accurate information as to what drugs are covered under which plans borders on the impossible. Medicare open enrollment began… Continue reading Fact or Fiction: $2,000 Out-of-Pocket Limit for prescription drugs for Medicare Participants.


Is Medicare Advantage Really an Advantage?

That depends.  In the throes of Medicare enrollment period, we are being bombarded with Medicare Advantage advertisements touting its benefits. According to an August 2023 study done by Kaiser Permanente, in 2020 Medicare Advantage covered more than 44% of enrollees or 25.7 million people with Medicare. This number is only increasing: the same study found… Continue reading Is Medicare Advantage Really an Advantage?


The Healthcare Abyss Post Covid: What’s Different

That depends on the definition of health care. There’s health insurance (private, exchange, Medicare et al). In addition, there is the day-to-day care that individuals exercise with respect to their own health. Let’s look at this simple question as it relates to one’s own health. If you have a cold, cough, fever. What’s the first… Continue reading The Healthcare Abyss Post Covid: What’s Different


How can you avoid surprise medical bills?

Yes, it is possible to avoid some surprise medical bills. Really? It will take some work on your part, but it is certainly worth your time to closely investigate any medical care, whether preventative or otherwise, to manage your health care expenses carefully. Don’t assume anything. While your doctor make be acquainted with the parameters… Continue reading How can you avoid surprise medical bills?


Will You Be Driving A Cadillac in 2022?

Maybe not the car, but hopefully your health insurance. In an unusual bipartisan action, the House passed a bill that would repeal the “Cadillac tax”, scheduled to be imposed on high-cost employer health insurance in 2022. The act, titled the Middle Class Health Benefits Repeal Act, passed with a 419-6 vote, would kill this excise… Continue reading Will You Be Driving A Cadillac in 2022?


What exactly is a surprise medical bill?

It’s hard to believe that there is actually a definition for a “surprise medical bill”.  There are real circumstances where a medical bill qualifies as a “surprise”, and the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee, and many states, would like to offer a solution for those who are faced with such surprises. First, let’s describe what… Continue reading What exactly is a surprise medical bill?