News Alerts

Young Adults and Healthcare: Young Invincibles?

One widely publicized provision of the Affordable Care Act is the capability parents have to cover their children until age 26 in their healthcare plans. Through 2013, more than 2.5 million young adults were added to their parents health insurance. As 2014 and the mandatory health insurance requirements approaches, this increasing number of covered young… Continue reading Young Adults and Healthcare: Young Invincibles?

News Alerts

What’s Your Son Doing at College? Your Health Insurer May Tell You

One of the most important and well publicized provisions of the Affordable Care Act is the ability to cover adult children until age 26. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 3 million young adults have been added to their parents’ plans. Are parents entitled to request information from the insurance… Continue reading What’s Your Son Doing at College? Your Health Insurer May Tell You