News Alerts

Give the Lady the Gift That Keeps on Giving: Health Insurance Exchange Information

Women’s health has been at the forefront of health care reform. This is no surprise to anyone; women use more health services than men as a result of reproductive care, higher probability of chronic diseases and generally longer life expectancies. Women are most often responsible for selection and administration of her family’s healthcare, regardless for… Continue reading Give the Lady the Gift That Keeps on Giving: Health Insurance Exchange Information

News Alerts

What do HIX and Health Insurance Marketplace Have In Common?

They are two different names for Health Insurance Exchanges. HIX is an acronym for Health Insurance Exchange. The term Health Insurance Marketplace was adopted by the federal government to avoid the notion that individuals exchanged one plan for another. HIX was created to limit the necessity of spelling out “health insurance exchange” repeatedly and is… Continue reading What do HIX and Health Insurance Marketplace Have In Common?