News Alerts

Note to Candidates: Health Care is More Than Obamacare

You’ve been watching the presidential campaign, so you can’t miss the references to Obamacare. It’s a significant component of the rhetoric for all the candidates. Hillary wants to add to it, Bernie wants a “Medicare for All” program, and Trump wants to repeal it altogether. We haven’t heard much else about healthcare from the candidates.… Continue reading Note to Candidates: Health Care is More Than Obamacare

News Alerts

Federal Government Open Enrollment: Medicare

October and November are traditionally the months when large employers offer employees the opportunity to enroll in benefits for the coming year. These plans may include 401ks, other retirement programs, and of course, health insurance. Many open enrollments include several benefits fairs that give a chance for providers to showcase their offerings so that employees… Continue reading Federal Government Open Enrollment: Medicare