News Alerts

Do High Deductible Plans Cover Chronic Care Up Front?

Good question. That depends on your high deductible plan and its relationship to a health savings account.  As more people are covered by high deductible plans, some employer sponsored plans are covering benefits like doctor visits or generic prescription drugs to help ease the costs to the individual before meeting the deductible. Here’s the catch:… Continue reading Do High Deductible Plans Cover Chronic Care Up Front?

News Alerts

Note to Candidates: Health Care is More Than Obamacare

You’ve been watching the presidential campaign, so you can’t miss the references to Obamacare. It’s a significant component of the rhetoric for all the candidates. Hillary wants to add to it, Bernie wants a “Medicare for All” program, and Trump wants to repeal it altogether. We haven’t heard much else about healthcare from the candidates.… Continue reading Note to Candidates: Health Care is More Than Obamacare

News Alerts

A High Deductible Plan Was My Only Choice: Now What?

More than three quarters of large employers are offering high deductible plans, and in increasing numbers it is the only plan. Although the premiums are often lower, the deductible can be as high as $6550 for an individual or $13,100 for a family. In order to keep out-of-pocket expenses manageable, consider the following:   Preventative… Continue reading A High Deductible Plan Was My Only Choice: Now What?

News Alerts

Note to Milennials: Open Enrollment For Health Insurance

It’s open enrollment season and everyone needs to enroll in a health insurance plan. Yes, millennials, that means you, too. What exactly does this mean for you? Millennials, those of you in the 18 to 34 age range, may have employer sponsored health insurance. If you’re fortunate enough to have health care included in a… Continue reading Note to Milennials: Open Enrollment For Health Insurance