News Alerts

The Supreme Court vs Obamacare Part Two: What You Need to Know

It’s formally known as King v Burwell and its time has come. Beginning on March 4th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments that challenge the meaning of four key words in the ACA: “established by the state”. These words refer to health insurance exchanges—why are these words so critical? What are the consequences of the… Continue reading The Supreme Court vs Obamacare Part Two: What You Need to Know

News Alerts

Do Targeted Therapies and Personalized Medicine Work For Everyone?

Isn’t all medicine personal? Doctor and patient, hopefully yes, but what about drug development? Does all of the prescription drug development generally benefit everyone?  Or is it specialized to meet the specific needs of segments of the population that are not being currently addressed? A little known and small component of President Obama’s 2016 budget… Continue reading Do Targeted Therapies and Personalized Medicine Work For Everyone?

News Alerts

Shopping with Your Flexible Spending Account?

When you think of a flexible spending account, or FSA, you think of deductibles, uncovered prescription drugs and nonreimbursed medical expenses. And this being the end of the year, you probably are realizing that you may have extra funds parked in your flexible spending account. But wait! There are other expenses eligible for flexible spending… Continue reading Shopping with Your Flexible Spending Account?

News Alerts

Your Health Insurance: Tierful Prescription Drug Coverage?

For most individuals, it’s open enrollment season. Bombarded with words like deductible, coinsurance and formulary, employees will be comparing their employer sponsored plan offering with an eye towards selecting an alternative, better coverage for 2015. An employer may only offer one plan; another employer several. One important component that is present in almost all employer… Continue reading Your Health Insurance: Tierful Prescription Drug Coverage?