News Alerts

March 31st Madness Has Come and Gone: Now What?

March 31st, Obamacare, ACA,…… enrollment is over. Well, at least for those who don’t meet the exception qualifications. The dust has settled. But has it really? How many individuals are newly insured through the exchanges? Newly insured through employers? Still uninsured? Can they even be accurately counted? Early returns would indicate that more than… Continue reading March 31st Madness Has Come and Gone: Now What?

News Alerts

Can You Reduce Your Health Coverage Out of Pocket Expenses?

As out-of-pocket costs increase and consumer driven health plans become more prevalent, individual health insurance costs are more than just premiums. Is there such a thing as supplemental insurance from an employer or an exchange plan that would cover additional non premium expenses that individuals incur while owning health insurance? It is widely recognized that… Continue reading Can You Reduce Your Health Coverage Out of Pocket Expenses?

News Alerts

Ten Essential Benefits: Rehabilitative AND Habilitative Services?

The essential benefits requirement of individual and small business health insurance plans has been one of the most well publicized components of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Within the ten categories is the inclusion of rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices. Is it likely that previously non covered habilitative services–for the developmentally challenged with autism,… Continue reading Ten Essential Benefits: Rehabilitative AND Habilitative Services?

News Alerts

Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Visit I did!

As a health care consultant, it was critical that I understand the various options that are available to individuals and families on the public health care exchanges. I decided to help my sister, who is a Pennsylvania resident, establish an account on the site. Pennsylvania is one of the 34 states that is a… Continue reading Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Visit I did!

News Alerts

Will Health Insurance Exchanges REALLY Insure Your Health?

YES!! Health Insurance Exchanges were specifically designed to provide individuals and small business owners with the ability to purchase affordable health insurance regardless of age and pre-existing conditions. Aside from monthly premiums, however, your out-of-pocket expenses could be more than you expect them to be. The exchanges will be required to offer ten essential health… Continue reading Will Health Insurance Exchanges REALLY Insure Your Health?

News Alerts

Young Adults and Healthcare: Young Invincibles?

One widely publicized provision of the Affordable Care Act is the capability parents have to cover their children until age 26 in their healthcare plans. Through 2013, more than 2.5 million young adults were added to their parents health insurance. As 2014 and the mandatory health insurance requirements approaches, this increasing number of covered young… Continue reading Young Adults and Healthcare: Young Invincibles?