News Alerts

How Does the American Health Care Act Impact Me? Obamacare Lite?

That depends on how and where you obtain your health insurance. Or if you purchase health insurance. This bill is shorter than Obamacare (so far, anyway) 166+ pages versus 2000+ pages, but there will be some significant impact on individuals and business owners. First, let’s see what the Act retains that will benefit individuals. One… Continue reading How Does the American Health Care Act Impact Me? Obamacare Lite?

News Alerts

Repeal and Replace: “Watering” Down Ten Essential Benefits?

It’s abundantly clear that it is going to take time to repeal and/or replace the Affordable Care Act. And, despite the fact that the republican draft would sunset the ten essential benefits in 2019, it would require a change in the law and therefore 60 votes in the Senate to eliminate these provisions entirely. While… Continue reading Repeal and Replace: “Watering” Down Ten Essential Benefits?

News Alerts

Repeal, Replace: Too Many Options, Too Little Consensus

It’s clear that Republicans want to get the Obamacare repeal headed in the right direction. There’s one big problem, however. Too many different competing plans have been introduced to replace the law. Several plans have been presented or are expected, however none appear to have the necessary support to achieve Congressional approval. And it’s unlikely… Continue reading Repeal, Replace: Too Many Options, Too Little Consensus

News Alerts Enrollment: It Can Be A Simple Choice

Although it seems as if many insurers are leaving the health insurance exchange marketplace and premiums are likely to rise for many in 2017, there is some brightness set for Obamacare. There will be a new, attractive option available to many consumers beginning in November. In an attempt to make plan selection easier, the federal… Continue reading Enrollment: It Can Be A Simple Choice

News Alerts

Silver Sneakers: More Than Just A Fashion Statement

Actually, they are more than what you may be wearing. SilverSneakers are fitness programs for seniors provided by more than 70 health plans across the country. And while SilverSneakers often include health club memberships, fitness for seniors should focus on physical activity which may or may not involve a gym. Sadly, problems with mobility among… Continue reading Silver Sneakers: More Than Just A Fashion Statement