News Alerts

True or False: 2014 Will Change the Way Individuals Approach Healthcare?

Maybe. When the ACA was passed in March, 2010, included was an extensive timetable for the implementation of its various provisions. Some were effective immediately; others as far out as 2020. The most significant provisions, however, are scheduled for 2014. Recently, it seems that some key components of the ACA  that were listed as 2014… Continue reading True or False: 2014 Will Change the Way Individuals Approach Healthcare?

News Alerts

Give the Lady the Gift That Keeps on Giving: Health Insurance Exchange Information

Women’s health has been at the forefront of health care reform. This is no surprise to anyone; women use more health services than men as a result of reproductive care, higher probability of chronic diseases and generally longer life expectancies. Women are most often responsible for selection and administration of her family’s healthcare, regardless for… Continue reading Give the Lady the Gift That Keeps on Giving: Health Insurance Exchange Information

News Alerts

What do HIX and Health Insurance Marketplace Have In Common?

They are two different names for Health Insurance Exchanges. HIX is an acronym for Health Insurance Exchange. The term Health Insurance Marketplace was adopted by the federal government to avoid the notion that individuals exchanged one plan for another. HIX was created to limit the necessity of spelling out “health insurance exchange” repeatedly and is… Continue reading What do HIX and Health Insurance Marketplace Have In Common?

News Alerts

Looking for a Health Insurance Exchange? Keep Looking!

In accordance with the ACA, states are required to have a health insurance exchange operational either independently, federally or as a partnership between the federal government and the state by January 2014. Since January 2014 is when most Americans must have health insurance, many will need to purchase coverage from an exchange by this coming… Continue reading Looking for a Health Insurance Exchange? Keep Looking!

News Alerts

The Exchanges Provide Essential Health Benefits in 2014

The state Health Insurance Exchanges, an integral part of the ACA, are scheduled to be available for enrollment in late 2013, with an effective date of January 2014. So far, a small number of states have elected to establish their own exchanges, whereas most states have said that they aren’t interested. The federal government has… Continue reading The Exchanges Provide Essential Health Benefits in 2014

News Alerts

Health Exchanges and the New World of Health Plans

A  significant component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the establishment of health care exchanges. The primary function of these exchanges is to offer a marketplace for individuals to purchase health insurance from a variety of providers in a competitive pricing environment. Plans are required to include ten categories of health services  known as… Continue reading Health Exchanges and the New World of Health Plans

News Alerts

Obamacare dodges the Final Bullet; but will 2014 really be the year of the ACA?

2012 has been a critical year in the life of the Affordable Care Act. In June, the Act avoided being repealed and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. The case was brought by 26  states with the intention of disabling the legislation. Now, with the Presidency decided and Obama reelected,  it would seem that the… Continue reading Obamacare dodges the Final Bullet; but will 2014 really be the year of the ACA?

News Alerts

Don’t Feel Well? Need Blood Drawn? See the Nurse at Work!

On many occasions, employees don’t feel well. What often happens is that those employees may be ill early in the day, and end up going home. After that who knows? A doctor’s visit, prescriptions, other tests, more time away from the office. Large employers are addressing this and other health care services through on site… Continue reading Don’t Feel Well? Need Blood Drawn? See the Nurse at Work!

News Alerts

What’s Your Son Doing at College? Your Health Insurer May Tell You

One of the most important and well publicized provisions of the Affordable Care Act is the ability to cover adult children until age 26. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 3 million young adults have been added to their parents’ plans. Are parents entitled to request information from the insurance… Continue reading What’s Your Son Doing at College? Your Health Insurer May Tell You